In summary, a multivitamin should only be taken to supplement the daily diet and absolutely must not be overdosed. The consumption of vitamins and minerals in doses that exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is pointless and may even be harmful. Moreover, higher doses of antioxidants (vitamins C and E) can suppress training adaptations, both in endurance training and strength training and thus reduce any gains that would be brought about by exercise.
This is why 6D MULTI VITAMIN contains 100% of the RDA for all vitamins and most minerals. The scientific formula was developed to ensure the ingredients are incorporated in an easily absorbable form. The consumption of iron, calcium and magnesium at the same time mutually inhibits their absorption in the intestines. This is why these minerals are not incorporated in the 6D MULTI VITAMIN. If necessary, a specific supplement can be taken, such as 6D IRON FERROCHEL®.
Technical description
- 100% RDA of all vitamins
- With added trace elements
- Easy uptake
- 60 caps
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